The Joined Up for Jobs directory lists organisations delivering employability and related services in Edinburgh. You can search for organisations listed the JUfJ directory by name, keyword, service type, postcode, or main client group.
WOW! [Wellbeing Onto Work] project for young people aged 16-24 in partnership with Edinburgh International Festival (EIF)
We're excited to let you know about our 8-week WOW! [Wellbeing Onto Work] project in proud partnership with Edinburgh International Festival (EIF)! This NEW community collaboration will be starting on the later date of Thursday 13th March. If you - o...

Service Type
Employability, Health / Mental Health, Education and training, and Volunteering
Client Group
Care experienced, Disability, LGBT+, BME Groups, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed
Target Area
South west and All Edinburgh
Age group served
16-19 and 20-24
Pipeline Stage
Stage 1 / Engagement, Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, Stage 3 / Vocational Activity, and Stage 4 / Job Matching
Outreach offered
You my sister
You My Sister supports women who have exited any branch of the porn or sex industries. Our focus is on unique mental health support that is co-produced and co-delivered by peers (women with lived experience of the sex industries).
We operate online s...
Service Type
Health / Mental Health, Education and training, Volunteering, Domestic Abuse, and Addictions
Client Group
Disability, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, Substance misuse, LGBT+, Criminal Convictions, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+
Outreach offered
Young Esperanza
Project Esperanza offers flexible appointments for young people aged 15 to 18 who may otherwise face barriers to employment, education and volunteer opportunites. Young people meet once a week and support is offered in CV writting, cover letters, inc...
Service Type
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
Pipeline Stage
Stage 1 / Engagement, Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, Stage 3 / Vocational Activity, Stage 4 / Job Matching, and Stage 5 / Upskilling & Aftercare
Outreach offered
Young Person's Guarantee Team
As part of the Scottish Government's commitment to supporting all young people to access employment, volunteering, training or education, the YPG team are a central point of contact for young people across Edinburgh to learn about and access an oppor...

Service Type
Employability, Health / Mental Health, Education and training, Volunteering, and Addictions
Client Group
Care experienced, Disability, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, Substance misuse, LGBT+, BME Groups, Criminal Convictions, and Health Conditions
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
16-19 and 20-24
Pipeline Stage
Stage 1 / Engagement, Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, Stage 3 / Vocational Activity, Stage 4 / Job Matching, and Stage 5 / Upskilling & Aftercare
Outreach offered
Your Pay Your Way Ltd
Our social enterprise offers financial education to anyone across Scotland who requires the skills needed to feel confident in managing their money. We remove the barrier of money for those furthest from the job market

Service Type
Employability and Money / Benefits
Client Group
Care experienced, Disability, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, LGBT+, BME Groups, Criminal Convictions, Lone Parents, and Long term unemployed
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+
Pipeline Stage
Stage 2 / Barrier Removal and Stage 5 / Upskilling & Aftercare
Outreach offered