Moving Forward (NOLB Stage 1 Service)

Scottish Government funded stage 1 employability provision for young people transitioning from school is delivered in the City of Edinburgh Council area by Third Sector providers. This service is known as Moving Forward (No One Left Behind (NOLB) Stage 1).

The new Moving Forward (NOLB Stage 1 Service) was launched in April 2024, with provision split between seven geographical clusters across the city. These clusters are around schools located in the same geographical area, with one provider servicing each cluster.

Moving Forward projects are aimed at those aged 15.5-19, but up to age 26 for those with multiple barriers as stated in the NOLB Emerging Best Practice Guide. Dedicated staff work with young people to agree a bespoke package of activity to encourage and support them in taking the next step towards a positive destination.

Alongside this, there is Moving Forward for Parents, support for the families of young people to ensure that they are giving the best chance of progressing through the employability pipeline and sustaining any moves into work, education or further training.

Cluster 1
  • Access to Industry
  • Amy Hood
  • Boroughmuir High School, James Gillespie's High School, St Thomas of Aquin's RC High School, Tynecastle High School, Gorgie Mills
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
  • Triage
  • Alma Donaldson
  • Balerno Community High School, Currie Community High School, Firrhill High School, Wester Hailes High School, Woodlands
Cluster 5
Cluster 6
Cluster 7
  • Citadel Youth
  • Claire O’Brien
  • Broughton High School, Drummond Community High School, Leith Academy, Pilrig Park, Trinity Academy

JUfJ provider forum

Past minutes, agendas, future dates, general information about the Joined Up for Jobs forum.

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Customer charter

The Customer Charter Award encourages services to share best practice and work together to ensure the needs of all stakeholders are met.

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The Network of Employability Support and Training (NEST) is a programme of grant-funded providers supporting clients in Edinburgh with employability.

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NOLB Stage 1 Service

Information on the new No-one Left Behind – Activity Agreement hubs in Edinburgh.

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Parental Employment Support Fund

Find out about the eight projects in Edinburgh providing employability support for parents both in and out of work, helping to tackle in-work poverty.

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Vocational Training Framework

Free, short, sector-based training courses with guaranteed interviews.

Find out more.
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