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Fair Way Scotland is looking for employment providers with staff speaking their client's languages.

Fair Way Scotland is currently supporting some EEA nationals who have pre-settled status but no further qualifying rights to access statutory homelessness support or Universal Credit. Therefore, employment is the only route out of destitution for this group and they are looking for partners who can provide this support in the client’s home languages: Romanian, Polish, Spanish, Arabic, Urdu, Farsi and Russian.

Fair Way Scotland is a unique consortium and an integrated plan to end destitution among people with no recourse to public funds or restricted eligibility. They are currently operating in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen working with appeal rights exhausted asylum seekers and EU nationals. Their model involves providing clients with a safe place to stay (primarily in shared or single community flats), weekly cash payments for those in accommodation, and casework support.

If any of our Joined up for Jobs employment providers have staff who can speak the above languages. Please get in touch with Aiseosa at and she can pass on details.

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