The Prince's Trust (Prince's Trust)

The Prince’s Trust is one of the UK’s leading youth charities supporting young people aged 11 – 30 working towards their personal development goals.
1. Explore
Our two-day Explore programme focuses on improving confidence, communication and teamwork skills for young people who want to work on developing their personal and social skills.
2. Employability
We are currently running face to face employability sessions to support young people who are keen to develop their skills to get into employment. We are continuously working with a number of partners to deliver sector specific employability courses including retail, security, IT and health and social care.
3. Enterprise
Our enterprise course consists of 7 different online sessions that cover the basics of self employment, HRMC & finance, pricing and sales, marketing, networking, cashflows and business plans. Those who have completed the Enterprise course are able to progress to apply for grant funding to test out their business idea and get started. Business mentor support is also available.
A Youth Development Lead will meet with you on a 1-2-1 basis to onboard you onto the programme. They will support you throughout your journey at The Prince's Trust. Our programmes are mostly face-to-face but some maybe virtual.
After the programme, you can receive up to 6 months support from Prince's Trust staff.
Service Type
Employability and Education and training
Client Group
Care experienced, Disability, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, Substance misuse, LGBT+, BME Groups, Criminal Convictions, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
16-19 and 30-50
Pipeline Stage
Stage 1 / Engagement, Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, Stage 3 / Vocational Activity, Stage 4 / Job Matching, and Stage 5 / Upskilling & Aftercare
Outreach offered
Young people aged 16-30