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SistaCircle: Wellbeing Hub (Project Esperanza)

1 Waterfront Avenue

The migration journey is often challenging and opportunities may be hard to come by as migrants are faced with barrier after barrier. SistaCircle: has health and wellbeing programs & cultural and social integration activities to champion social isolation, improve social integration and enhance mental health, learning and wellbeing. 

1:1 weekly drop in 

Group sessions

Peer support group

Service Type

Health / Mental Health

Client Group

Care experienced, Disability, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, BME Groups, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed

Target Area

All Edinburgh

Age group served

16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+

Pipeline Stage

Stage 1 / Engagement and Stage 2 / Barrier Removal

Outreach offered


People from socially and economically excluded backgrounds, migrants with families who are unemployed, have limited access to employment and employability resources and experiencing in-work poverty, parents who are experiencing the child protection system, parents who arrive on the Sponsorship programme (COS), people who are socially isolated, other migrants parents that fall within NRPF and New Scots. 

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