Community Renewal: Next Step Edinburgh (Community Renewal)

Community Renewal Trust: Next Step Edinburgh is part of the Capital City Partnership, Blended Employability Service (BES) programme and provide a holistic support service to people who are presently unemployed and actively looking to get back into employment across Edinburgh (Pipeline stage 3-4).
How our team can support clients:
- Help with writing CVs, application forms or interview preparation
- Coaching for those who feel they don’t even know where to start
- Help with accessing courses or volunteering opportunities
- Support to apply for funding for training, including CSCS
- Direct links to employers who are recruiting right now
- Support with search for job vacancies
Our support is free, flexible and tailored to your needs. Plus, we promise to stick with clients for as long as it takes.
Clients can make appointments by contacting us directly or any professional in one of the city’s agencies or third-sector organisations.
Service Type
Employability, Education and training, Money / Benefits, and Volunteering
Client Group
Long term unemployed
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+
Pipeline Stage
Stage 3 / Vocational Activity and Stage 4 / Job Matching
Outreach offered