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JET Academy (JET Academy )

Waverley Court
Stuart Burns
Job, Education and Training (JET) Academy

The JET Academy is a work-based learning programme. It is for pupils in the senior phase of high school. JET combines school education with vocational training and real-life work experience.

While on the programme young people will:

  • work toward a National Qualification in Employability as well as your National 4s and 5s
  • have a full day's work experience placement each Friday from September to April.
Christmas leavers

If you are a Christmas leaver, you can have an extended work experience placement with an employer in the city. This is from August until Christmas, instead of going to school.You will take part in employability training sessions before starting your work experience.Near the end of the programme, we will help and support you decide your next steps.

Target client group

School Pupils who are :

  • Considering leaving shcool or
  • Considering a Foundation Apprenticeship.

Service Type

Employability and Education and training

Target Area

All Edinburgh

Pipeline Stage

Stage 3 / Vocational Activity

Outreach offered


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