Edinburgh Remakery Micro:Bit Workshop (Edinburgh Remakery)
This project lets school leavers in Edinburgh to take part in a free, virtual two hour workshop. Each participant will get a BBC microbit and will be able to practice how to code, turning otherwise unwanted items into innovative products. The aim is to help introduce school leavers to opportunities in the thriving tech and sustainability sectors and how they could develop skills in both of these.
We will confirm the dates for this workshop once we have had referals through for interested participants.
Through a series of engaging exercises with the Microbit, and using unwanted items from around their home, the participants will be introduced to the innovative ways that coding can help promote reuse. This will be discussed in the wider context of sustainability and tech jobs to encourage the school leavers to consider these thriving and exciting industries.
Service Type
Education and training
Client Group
Long term unemployed
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
Pipeline Stage
Stage 2 / Barrier Removal
Outreach offered
This workshop is for school leavers.
If you are a Caselink user, you can directly refer participants to this workshop through that system. Otherwise, please send referrals, with the details above, to rebecca.mackay@edinburghremakery.org.uk.
Materials Kits will be delivered to the participants prior to the event, please ensure all participants live in Edinburgh so they can get this. The participant’s full home delivery address is needed to ensure they get their kit. We strongly recommend the participants use a computer when taking part, due to the nature of the workshop.