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CREATE - Spring 2022 (Articulate Cultural Trust)

TBC or your own venue
Laura Frood
Articulate has developed this series of workshops as taster sessions for young people living in Edinburgh aged 16-24.

The programme will introduce young people to music, visual art and filmmaking skills within an employability framework that is a stepping stone to longer-term engagement within our CREATE programme which equips young people with the experience and understanding of training or career in the creative industries.

Young people will have the opportunity to try new things, build on existing interests and contribute to the development of a longer offering for themselves and their peers.

We can offer one-off tasters workshops or sessions over three days per week for two weeks depending on the nature of the group. We could also offer one-to-one guidance for individuals not yet ready for group work but with an interest and motivation to take a first step. We can also run drop-in creative sessions to show the young people a range of activities that they might benefit from within a longer programme, one that they help us co-design.

Service Type

Employability and Education and training

Client Group

Care experienced and Homeless / at risk of homelessness

Target Area

All Edinburgh

Age group served


Pipeline Stage

Stage 1 / Engagement, Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, and Stage 3 / Vocational Activity

Outreach offered


Client group

Young people from Edinburgh who are aged between 16 and 24 years and who would like to consider training in the arts, using their innate creativity in a professional way or exploring a formal cultural career path.

They might be a group of young creatives who need support with the next step or a less well-structured collective of young individuals who are keen to explore 'what next' in terms of their abilities and interests in the arts.

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