Codeclan and Data Kirk - Become a Data Scientist (CodeClan)

CodeClan and Data Kirk are co-delivering a six month training programme supporting young people in Edinburgh aged 16 – 24 from BAME backgrounds, and BAME individualsaged 20 – 24 who have dropped out of education, to learn professional data analytics skills.
Upon completion of the six-month programme individuals will have the technical skills andemployability support to successfully gain employment in a data related role in Edinburgh’s tech sector such as a Junior Data Analyst, Junior Business Analyst or Junior Data Scientist.
Six month programme delivered in two parts:
1. A two month part time data literacy and employability course delivered by Data Kirk up to 20 people;
2. A four month full time Professional Data Analysis course delivered by CodeClan for five people.
To ensure the project sets people up for success the two month programme will enable individuals to have a taster of data and prepare students for the CodeClan course. From the 20, Data Kirk will identify suitable individuals and progress five students onto the 14 week Professional Data Analysis course.
Service Type
Education and training
Client Group
BME Groups
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
16-19 and 20-24
Pipeline Stage
Stage 1 / Engagement, Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, Stage 3 / Vocational Activity, Stage 4 / Job Matching, and Stage 5 / Upskilling & Aftercare
Outreach offered
Young people in Edinburgh aged 16 – 24 from BAME backgrounds, and BAME individualsaged 20 – 24 who have dropped out of education