Cashback Hubs (Impact Arts)

Impact Arts are running free weekly creative sessions for young people aged 16-24. Young People can explore creativity, imagination and making through digital and visual art. Thursday 2pm - 6pm and Fridays 2:30pm - 4:30pm
This is a fun opportunity for young people to make friends; learn new skills; improve physical and mental health; and have their voice heard. This programme is ideal for young people who find school tricky; struggle with mental health; are care experienced; or are new to Scotland.
Service Type
Employability, Health / Mental Health, and Education and training
Client Group
Care experienced, Disability, Homeless / at risk of homelessness, LGBT+, BME Groups, Criminal Convictions, Lone Parents, and Health Conditions
Target Area
North east, North west, South east, South west, and All Edinburgh
Age group served
Pipeline Stage
Stage 1 / Engagement
Outreach offered
To be eligible for the Cashback to the Future programme, the young person must be aged 16-24 and either:
- Living in an area of deprivation (as defined by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation)
- At risk of disengaging from school
- At risk of engaging in anti-social behaviour
- Living with a disability or mental health condition
- Over 16 and not in employment, education or training.