All In Edinburgh (Enable Works)

Supported employment for people who have a disability or long term health condition in Edinburgh.
If you are working with someone who has a disability or long term health condition and they are interested in finding a job and keeping it, we can help. We also work with organisations that are looking to recruit people they may not have considered before.
We match people with the organisation – and the job – that is right for them.
All in Edinburgh is run by four organisations working together. These are:
Service Type
Employability, Health / Mental Health, Education and training, and Money / Benefits
Client Group
Disability, LGBT+, Criminal Convictions, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed
Target Area
All Edinburgh
Age group served
16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-50, and 50+
Pipeline Stage
Stage 1 / Engagement, Stage 2 / Barrier Removal, Stage 3 / Vocational Activity, Stage 4 / Job Matching, and Stage 5 / Upskilling & Aftercare
Outreach offered