Access to Industry - Moving Forward for Parents (Access To Industry)

Moving Forward for Parents supports participants in building a brighter future for themselves and their families. It assists parents with navigating change and transitions to help their family thrive. Utilising a holistic, trauma-informed approach, it aims to help parents overcome challenges they might be facing in their day-to-day lives.
The programme offers 1:1 casework support so that participants can establish a positive, consistent relationship with one Caseworker. It involves identifying parents’ needs and setting achievable goals addressed via regularly reviewed action plans. It aims to help parents build resilience, confidence and the motivation to progress, advocating for our service users and providing direct support within communities.
The service focuses on providing guidance, practical knowledge and support into specialist provisions in areas including: Personal Development; Health & Wellbeing; Financial Planning; Welfare Rights & Benefits Advice; Childcare Information; Housing Advice; Education & Training; and Employability.
Moving Forward for Parents is delivered face-to-face in suitable locations within the community. In addition, we offer remote support via phone and online sessions through Zoom, WhatsApp or Microsoft Teams.
This service is run in conjunction with NOLB Stage 1 Moving Forward for young people. Referrals are via schools or SDS. If you wish, you can also contact Access to Industry for further information.
Service Type
Employability, Health / Mental Health, Housing, Education and training, and Money / Benefits
Client Group
Care experienced, Disability, LGBT+, BME Groups, Lone Parents, Health Conditions, and Long term unemployed
Target Area
North west and South west
Age group served
30-50 and 50+
Pipeline Stage
Stage 1 / Engagement and Stage 2 / Barrier Removal
Outreach offered
The service is for parents whose children were referred to NOLB Stage 1 Moving Forward (previously known as Activity Agreements) by schools in clusters 1 & 3:
We are also able to support other parents whose children attend the listed schools. Please contact us directly to check if you are eligible.
· Cluster 1: Boroughmuir High School, James Gillespie’s High School, St Thomas of Aquin’s RC High School, Tynecastle High School, Gorgie Mills · Cluster 3: Forrester High School, St Augustine’s High School, Craigmount High School
Moving Forward for Parents supports parents for up to 12 months.